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We at PKMC, provide the necessary support and therapies to
empower kids with special needs
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Does your child not look at you while talking?
Does your child not look at you while talking?
Is your child’s speech not age appropriate?
Is your child fixated on a single toy or object?
Is your child into repetitive body movements like flapping his fingers, rocking his body?
Is your child fixated on a single toy or object?
“As per census 2011, in 71 UP districts, out of 41 lakh population living with disabilities, 1.5 lakh population are Kanpur residents”
How many of them receive the required support services?
Every Special Needs child has a right to receive the best intervention at the needed time, available in their immediate vicinity. The idea of setting up Pushpa Khanna Memorial Center PKMC, started with this thought of bringing internationally accepted best practices related to the rehabilitation of children with special needs to Kanpur.
Disabilities We Support
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Special needs, is a wide array of diagnoses, ranging from those that resolve quickly to those that stay life-long. It covers developmental delays, medical conditions, psychiatric conditions, and congenital conditions that require attention.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_tta_tour active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-arrow-right” add_icon=”true” title=”Autism spectrum disorder” tab_id=”1611225430799-594359de-922d”][vc_column_text 0=””]
Autism spectrum disorder ASD
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text 0=””]• ASD is a spectrum of closely related diseases, influenced by a combination of genetic and environment factors. Every child on the autism spectrum differs in severity and combinations of symptoms. In general, it impacts the nervous system and affects the overall cognitive, emotional, social and physical health of the individual.
• Indicators of autism usually appear by 2 or 3 years of age, with some appearing early. They can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. There’s no “cure” for ASD, but speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, educational support, plus a number of other interventions are available to help children and parents deal with day-to-day issues of life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-arrow-right” add_icon=”true” title=”Cerebral Palsy” tab_id=”1611225430800-1a7552ae-4fa6″][vc_column_text 0=””]
Cerebral Palsy
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• Cerebral Palsy is a collection of disorders caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the brain around the time of birth or early in life. Is a motor disability, meaning it affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. A person can have a mild cerebral palsy or a more complex form. Often, symptoms include poor coordination, stiff muscles, weak muscles, and tremors. Usual onset of cerebral palsy is early childhood. There is no cure for CP, however, supportive treatments, medications and surgery may help many individuals.
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Intellectual Disability (ID)
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• Intellectual disability is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder, leading to significant difficulties in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour. Intellectual disability becomes apparent during childhood and involves deficits in mental abilities, social skills, and core activities of daily living (ADLs) when compared to same-aged peers. The level of impairment ranges in severity for each person. With appropriate support and teaching mot individuals can learn to do many things.
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Speech And Language Disability
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• SLD draws issues of communication involving hearing, speech, language, and fluency. Speech impairment is characterized by difficulty in articulation of words. Language impairment is a specific impairment in understanding and sharing thoughts and ideas, a disorder that involves the processing of linguistic information. An individual can have one or both types of impairment. The first important step is to find out if your child has hearing loss, which may be difficult to notice particularly if a child has hearing loss only in one ear or partial hearing loss. Having a language or speech delay or disorder can qualify a child for early intervention upto 3 year of age and for special education services for over 3 years of age. Speech and language pathologist work directly with children and their parents, caregivers and teachers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Locomotor Disability” tab_id=”1611293930115-699154bb-6ebc”][vc_column_text]
Locomotor Disability
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• Locomotor disability, which is related to bones, joints or muscles, leads to restriction in the movement of the limbs. It affects the ability of a person to walk, stand, pick up or grip things in their hands, move from one location to another and more such mobility related tasks. Some common conditions that can cause locomotor disability are Polio, Cerebral Palsy, Amputation, Spinal Injuries, Injuries of Head, Soft Tissues, Fractures, Muscular Dystrophies, Paralysis, Dwarfism, Neurological conditions, Arthritis. To evaluate the extent of Locomotor Disability, functional limitations and impairments are measured. Early identification and treatment can help reduce the severity of locomotor disability.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Specific Learning Disabilities” tab_id=”1611293938584-49844fb0-a972″][vc_column_text]
Specific Learning Disabilities
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• A specific learning disability is a neurodevelopmental disorder that interferes with a child’s ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. It begins during school-age, although may not be recognized until adulthood. Specific learning disabilities may occur in almost any area of learning, where the child has significant difficulty in one academic area while coping well in the other academic areas. The problems are severe, persistent, occurs despite appropriate educational opportunities, and is in contrast to other areas of strength in academic achievement or cognitive development. The most common specific learning disability is dyslexia, which is a persistent difficulty in the area of reading and spelling. Educational and neuropsychological evaluations examine hoe a child processes information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Down Syndrome” tab_id=”1611293943488-01f6e2d2-9c72″][vc_column_text]
Down Syndrome
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome, which varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental disabilities. Most have mild to moderate issues with thinking, reasoning, and understanding and pick up new skills but may take longer o reach important goals like walking, talking, and developing social skills. Better understanding of Down syndrome and early interventions can greatly increase the quality of life for children and adults with this disorder and help them live fulfilling lives. These services include speech, occupational, and physical therapy, and they are typically offered through early intervention programs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)” tab_id=”1611294290068-63916bc6-959f”][vc_column_text]
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• ADD is a neurological disorder that causes a range of behavior problems such as difficulty attending to instruction, focusing on schoolwork, keeping up with assignments, following instructions, completing tasks and social interaction. It may also involve hyperactivity with behavior problems. Behavior intervention plan should be developed to help teach kids adaptive behavior skills and reduce off-task and inattentive behaviors. These adaptations may result in permanent improvement in concentration skill which medication cannot provide.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” tab_id=”1611294298345-3b111e53-e65e”][vc_column_text]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically appears in early childhood and is marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Children with ADHD may be Inattentive, Hyperactive and Impulsive, or both. The most obvious sign of ADHD is hyperactivity. ADHD is not related to intelligence or talent where infact, children with ADHD demostarte many positive traits like creativity, flexibility, Enthusisasm, etc. With the right support, a child with ADHD can get on track for success in all areas of life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Developmental Disorders / Delays” tab_id=”1611294305521-b09a1ab1-cd3c”][vc_column_text]
Developmental Disorders / Delays
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]• Developmental disorders/delays are neurodevelopmental disorders that can interfere with the acquisition, retention, or application of specific skills or sets of information. They may involve dysfunction in attention, memory, perception, language, problem-solving, or social interaction. These disorders range from being mild and easily manageable with behavioral and educational interventions, to being more severe where affected children may require more support. With early intervention, that combines speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavior modification techniques, play therapy, and in some cases medication, most specific developmental disorders can be accommodated and overcome.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tour][vc_column_text]
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