Empowerment Through Training: PKMC’s Involvement

It was an honour and privilege for PKMC to partner with the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Kanpur for In-Service Training Program for rehabilitation professionals on various aspects related to Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. The program was inaugurated by Shri Santosh Kumar ji, Deputy Director, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Kanpur. There were various topics on Disability Awareness, with an enlightening session by Ms. Ruma Chaturvedi, Director of PKMC. Her valuable insights helped the professionals look into disability with a fresh perspective. Ms. Pragya Bajpai, Special Educator (LD), emphasized on why inclusive education is the only way forward, wherein Mr. Satyam Tiwari, C.S., L.L.B. briefed the participants about various disability laws in our country. The participants were grossly engaged and took valuable lessons from the various sessions during the day.


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